Decolonial Environmentalism
A Palestinian policeman uses a flap to put out a fire in an olive grove and field, which according to the local Palestinian villagers was started by settlers from a near by Jewish settlement close to the West Bank village of Burin on September 5, 2011 [Wagdi Eshtayah / ApaImages] S ource: “the struggle to defend the trees & forests is above all a struggle against imperialism, because imperialism is the arsonist setting fire to our forests” - Thomas Sankara Greta Thunberg and the Mistakes of Mainstream Environmentalism On May 11th, as Israeli forces continued their relentless attacks against Palestinians, Greta Thunberg took to twitter to tweet the following: Greta Thunberg is 18 years old, and propelled onto the global political landscape at this age, she has plenty of time for her politics to transform. Yet, true as this may be, Thunberg has 4.9 million follow...